2010年下半東亞風雲----8 .

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          地滑能量超過地錨拉力 斷裂面並無鏽蝕 st1\00003a*{} .

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          深圳大大限制請願 .

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          General Order No.1(附中文) ■杜魯門or 麥克阿瑟 雲程眉批: 之所以寫杜魯門或麥克阿瑟,是因為麥克阿瑟的職權與General Order No.1的內容是由杜魯門所任命與批准的,換言之,可以說是麥克阿瑟的〈總命令第一號〉,或美國總統的〈總命令第一號〉。 通令第一號: 一、帝國大本營遵奉日皇指之指示,並依照日皇代表日本所有軍隊向盟邦統帥之投降,茲令所有日本國內外之司令官,使在其指揮之下之日本軍隊及為日本管制之軍隊,立刻停止戰鬥行為,放下武器,駐在其現時所在之地點,並向代表美中英蘇之司令官,如下列所述或如如盟邦統帥以後所指示者,無條件投降。除盟邦統帥對於詳細規定有所更改外,應迅速與下述之司令官取得連繫。各司令官之命令應立即完全執行。 甲、在中國(滿洲除外),台灣及北緯十六度以北之法屬印度支那境內之日本高級將領及所有陸海空軍及附屬部隊應向蔣介石元帥投降。 乙、在滿洲,北緯三十八度以北之高麗部份及庫頁島境內之日本高級將領及所有陸海空軍及附屬部隊應向遠東蘇軍總司令官投降。 丙、在安達曼群島、尼科巴群島、緬甸、泰國、北緯十六度以南之法屬越南、馬來亞、婆羅洲、荷屬印度、新幾內亞、俾斯麥群島及蘇間群島境內之日本高級將領及所有陸海空軍及附屬部隊應向東南亞盟軍統帥或澳大利亞軍隊之司令官投降,蒙巴頓與澳軍之確實劃分,由其自行商定後,再由盟邦統帥對於此節詳細規定。 丁、在日本委任統治各島,琉球、小笠原群島及其他太平洋島嶼之日本高級將領及所有陸海空軍及附屬部隊應向美國太平洋艦隊總司令投降。 戊、日本大本營及在日本各本土附近各小島,北緯三十八度以南之高麗及菲律賓之日本高級將領及所有陸海空軍及附屬部隊應向美國太平洋艦隊陸軍總司令投降。 己、上述各司令官為惟一當權接受投降之盟邦代表,所有日本軍隊應只向彼等或其代表投降。  日本帝國大本營並命令其在日本及國外之各司令官,將日 住商房屋本部隊及在日本策劃下之部隊,無論在何地點完全解除武器,並在盟邦統帥所指定之時間及地點,將所有武器及裝備完全繳出。 (一)、在日本本土之日本警察,在另有命令以前,得免受此項解除武裝之規定。警察部隊各留崗位,並應負責維持法律與秩序。此類警察部隊之人數及武裝另行規定之。 (二)、日本帝國大本營應在收到此命令(若干日)內,以關於日本及在日本管制下各地區之全部情報供給盟邦統帥,如下: 甲、關於一切陸上空中及防空之各表,說明此類官佐士兵之地點與人數。 乙、所有陸軍、海軍和非軍用飛機之項目、型式、位置及有關狀完整資料。 丙、日本國及日本國控制下之所有水上及潛水海軍艦艇和輔導海軍艦艇,無論其係服役中、非服役中或建造中,均須提出其位置、狀態和航行資料。 丁、日本國及日本國控制下總噸數超過百噸之商船(包括以往曾屬盟國,但現為日本國權力範圍內者),無論其係服役中、非服役中或建造中,均須提出其位置、狀態和航行資料。 戊、關於所有地雷、水雷及其他對陸、海、空行動久障礙物的位置和設施狀況,以及與上述有關之安全通路的完整、詳細且附有地圖之資料。 己、飛行場、水上飛機基地、對空防備設施、港口及海軍基地、物質貯藏所、常設與臨時陸上及沿岸防衛設施,包牯要塞及其他防備地在內之所有軍事設施和建築之位置及說明。 庚、所有盟軍俘虜及被拘留者之收容所或其他拘留場所的位置。 三、在接獲進一步通告之前,日本軍及民間航空所部當局之一切日本國陸、海軍非軍用航空機,須確實停留於其所在之陸上、海上及艦上之定點。 四、在接獲盟國統帥指示之前,日本國或日本國控制下久所有型式海軍艦艇商船,須毫無損傷地加以保存且不得企圖加以移動。至於航海中之船舶則須立即將所有種類之爆炸物無害地拋入海中,而非航海中之 租屋船舶則須立即將所有種類之爆炸物移至沿岸安全貯藏處所。 五、日本國及日本國控制下負有責任之軍部及行政當局,須確實執行下列事項: 甲、所有日本國內埋藏地雷、水雷及其他對陸、海、空行動之障礙物,無其位於任何地點,均須依盟國統帥之指示予以去除。 乙、立即修復所有便於航海之設施。 丙、在前項實施完成之前,須開放且明白標示所有安全通路。 六、日本國及日本國控制下負有責任之軍部及行政當局,在接獲盟國統帥前一切指示之前,應將下列事物保持原狀且儘量維持良好狀態。 甲、所有兵器、彈藥、爆炸物、軍用裝備、貯藏品及軍需品等所有種類之軍用器材及一切軍用資材(除本指令第四項之特別規定外) 乙、所有陸上、水上及空中運輸和通訊設施與裝置。 丙、飛行場、水上飛機基地、對空防衛設施、港口及海軍基地、物資貯藏所、常設及臨時陸上與沿岸防備設施,包括要塞及其他防備地域在內的所有軍事設施及建築,以及所有前述防備設施、軍事設施和建築之設計與圖面。 丁、所有關於軍用器材及軍事機關或準軍事機關營運時,為製造目前正在使用或無法使用之其他資材及資產,或為仗此等製造或使用更形容易而計畫或意圖進行之所有工廠、製造場所、工作場所、研究所、實驗所、試驗所、技術上之項目(資料)、特許、設計、圖面及發明。 七、日本國大本營於接受本命命後,應毫無延遲地就前記第六項及其後訓令中規定之所有項目,將其關於各自數量、型式及位置之完全資料表,提供給盟國統帥。 八、所有兵器、彈藥及軍用器材之製造及分配應立即終止。 九、關於日本國或日本國統治下官憲權限內之盟國俘虜及被拘留者: 甲、須細心注意維持所有盟國俘虜及被拘留者之安全及福祉,至前記盟國統帥接替其責任為止,須提供包括適切糧食、居住、被服及醫療在內之管理及補給業務。 乙、應立即將 西服盟國俘虜反被拘留者所在之收容所及其他拘留所之設備、貯藏品、記錄、正器及彈藥,移交給俘虜及被拘留者中原任軍官者或指定之代表,並置於其指揮之下。 丙、依盟國統帥所指示之地點,將俘虜及被拘留者運送至盟國官憲能交接之安全處所。  日本帝國大本營於接受本命令之後,應毫無延遲地將表示所有盟國俘虜及被拘留者所在地點之資料表,提供給盟國統帥。 十、所有日本國及日本國統治下之軍部及行當局,應協助盟國軍隊占領日本國及日本國統治地域。 十一、日本帝國大本營及日本國該當官憲應做成準備,在盟國占領軍指揮官有所指示之際,收集且移交一般日本國國民所有之一切武器。 十二、日本國及日本國統治下之軍部、行政官憲及私人,應嚴格且迅速服從本命令及爾後盟國統帥或其他盟國軍部官憲所發出之一切指示,若有遲延或不遵守本命和爾後任何命令之規定者,以及被盟國統帥認定為係對盟國有害之行為時,得由盟國軍部官憲及日本國政府加以嚴重且迅速之處罰。 十三、對於應提供給盟國統帥之前記第二項、第七項及第九項所需之資訊,日本國大本營立即於最短時間內進行通報。 全文資料參考自:陳志奇輯編 國立編繹館主編 渤海堂文化公司印行 《中華民國外交史料彙編 十五》p.7059 The Imperial General Headquarters by direction of the Emperor, and pursuant to the surrender to the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers of all Japanese armed forces by the Emperor, hereby orders all of its commanders in Japan and abroad to cause the Japanese armed forces and Japanese-controlled forces under their command to cease hostilities at once, to lay down their arms, to remain in their present locations and to surrender unconditionally to commanders acting on behalf of the Un 吳哥窟ited States, the Republic of China, the United Kingdom and the British Empire, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, as indicated hereafter or as may be further directed by the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers. Immediate contact will be made with the indicated commanders, or their designated representatives, subject to any changes in detail prescribed by the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, and their instructions will be completely and immediately carried out. a. The senior Japanese commanders and all ground, sea, air and auxiliary forces within China (excluding Manchuria), Formosa and French Indo-China north of 16 north latitude shall surrender to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek. b. The senior Japanese commanders and all ground, sea, air and auxiliary forces within Manchuria, Korea north of 38 north latitude and Karafuto shall surrender to the Commander in Chief of Soviet Forces in the Far East. c. The senior Japanese commanders and all ground, sea, air and auxiliary forces within the Andamans, Nicobars, Burma, Thailand, French Indo-China south of 16 degrees north latitude, Malaya, Borneo, Netherlands Indies, New Guinea, Bismarcks and the Solomons, shall surrender to (the Supreme Allied Commander South East Asia Command or the Commanding General, Australian Forces--the exact breakdown between Mountbatten and the Australians to be arranged between them and the details of this paragraph then prepared by the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers). d. The senior Japanese commanders a 買屋nd all ground, sea, air and auxiliary forces in the Japanese Mandated Islands, Ryukyus, Bonins, and other Pacific Islands shall surrender to the Commander in Chief U. S. Pacific Fleet. e. The Imperial General Headquarters, its senior commanders, and all ground, sea, air and auxiliary forces in the main islands of Japan, minor islands adjacent thereto, Korea south of 38 north latitude, and the Philippines shall surrender to the Commander in Chief, U. S. Army Forces in the Pacific. f. The above indicated commanders are the only representatives of the Allied Powers empowered to accept surrenders and all surrenders of Japanese Forces shall be made only to them or to their representatives. The Japanese Imperial General Headquarters further orders its commanders in Japan and abroad to disarm completely all forces of Japan or under Japanese control, wherever they may be situated and to deliver intact and in safe and good condition all weapons and equipment at such time and at such places as may be prescribed by the Allied Commanders indicated above. (Pending further instructions, the Japanese police force in the main islands of Japan will be exempt from this disarmament provision. The police force will remain at their posts and shall be held responsible for the preservation of law and order. The strength and arms of such a police force will be prescribed.) 2. The Japanese Imperial General Headquarters shall furnish to the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, within (time limit) of receipt of this order, complete informatio 小型辦公室n with respect to Japan and all areas under Japanese control as follows: (a) Lists of all land, air and anti-aircraft units showing locations and strengths in officers and men. (b) Lists of all aircraft, military, naval and civil giving complete information as to the number, type, location and condition of such aircraft. (c) Lists of all Japanese and Japanese-controlled naval vessels, surface and submarine and auxiliary naval craft in or out of commission and under construction giving their position, condition and movement. (d) Lists of all Japanese and Japanese-controlled merchant ships of over100 gross tons, in or out of commission and under construction, including merchant ships formerly belonging to any of the United Nations which are now in Japanese hands, giving their position, condition and movement. (e) Complete and detailed information, accompanied by maps, showing location and layouts of all mines, minefields and other obstacles to movement by land, sea or air and the safety lanes in connection therewith. (f) Locations and descriptions of all military installations and establishments, including airfields, seaplane bases, anti-aircraft defenses, ports and naval bases, storage depots, permanent and temporary land and coast fortifications, fortresses and other fortified areas. (g) Locations of all camps and other places of detention of United Nations prisoners of war and civilian internees. 3. Japanese armed forces and civil aviation authorities will insure that all Japanese military, naval and civil aircraft remain on the gro 找房子und, on the water or abroad ship until further notification of the disposition to be made of them. 4. Japanese or Japanese-controlled naval or merchant vessels of all types will be maintained without damage and will undertake no movement pending instructions from the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers. Vessels at sea will immediately render harmless and throw overboard explosives of all types. Vessels not at sea will immediately remove explosives of all types to safe storage ashore. 5. Responsible Japanese or Japanese-controlled military and civil authorities will insure that: a. All Japanese mines, minefields and other obstacles to movement by land, sea and air, wherever located, be removed according to instructions of the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers. b. All aids to navigation be reestablished at once. c. All safety lanes be kept open and clearly marked pending accomplishment of a. above. 6. Responsible Japanese and Japanese-controlled military and civil authorities will hold intact and in good condition pending further instructions from the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers the following: a. All arms, ammunition, explosives, military equipment, stores and supplies and other implements of war of all kinds and all other war material (except as specifically prescribed in Section 4 of this order). b. All land, water and air transportation and communication facilities and equipment. c. All military installations and establishments, including airfields, seaplane bases, anti-aircraft defenses, ports and naval bases, storage depots, permanent 酒店工作 and temporary land and coast fortifications, fortresses and other fortified areas, together with plans and drawings of all such fortifications, installations and establishments. d. All factories, plants, shops, research institutions, laboratories, testing stations, technical data, patents, plans, drawings and inventions designed or intended to produce or facilitate the production or use of all implements of war and other material and property used by or intended for use by any military or paramilitary organizations in connection with their operations. 7. The Japanese Imperial General Headquarters shall furnish to the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, within (time limit) of receipt of this order, complete lists of all the items specified in paragraph a, b and d of Section 6 above, indicating the numbers, types and locations of each. 8. The manufacture and distribution of all arms, ammunition and implements of war will cease forthwith. 9. With respect to United Nations prisoners of war and civilian internees in the hands of Japanese or Japanese-controlled authorities: a. The safety and well-being of all United Nations prisoners of war and civilian internees will be scrupulously preserved to include the administrative and supply services essential to provide adequate food shelter, clothing and medical care until such responsibility is undertaken by the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers; b. Each camp or other place of detention of United Nations prisoners of war and civilian internees together with nits equipment, stores, records, arms and ammunition will be delivered immed 酒店工作iately to the command of the senior officer or designated representative of the prisoner of war and civilian internees; c. As directed by the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, prisoners of war and civilian internees will be transported to places of safety where they can be accepted by allied authorities; d. The Japanese Imperial General Headquarters will furnish to the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, within (time limit)of the receipt of this order, complete lists of all United Nations prisoners of war and civilian internees, indicating their location. 10. All Japanese and Japanese-controlled military and civil authorities shall aid and assist the occupation of Japan and Japanese-controlled areas by forces of the Allied Powers. 11. The Japanese Imperial General Headquarters and appropriate Japanese officials shall be prepared on instructions from Allied occupation commanders to collect and deliver all arms in the possession of the Japanese civilian population. 12. This and all subsequent instructions issued by the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers or other allied military authorities will be scrupulously and promptly obeyed by Japanese and Japanese-controlled military and civil officials and private persons. Any delay or failure to comply with the provisions of this or subsequent orders and any action which the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers. 雲程腳批: 陳志奇的中文資料中,有13項,但所找出之英文資料則只有12項(來自於www.taiwandocuments.org)。不知其原因。 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 花蓮民宿  .

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          誰會是郵局轉存的「中小型銀行」? st1\:*{} table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";}【Comment】 Financial Supervisory Commission decided the Post Company to deposit its 4 trillions savings in the “small 酒店打工 and medium-sized private banks” but no details reported. What is the definition of “the private banks”? Besides the so-called independent new 買房子 Banks, do Credit Cooperative Associations , Credit Departments of Farmers' Associations, Credit Departments of Fishermens' Associations included? The regime a 會場佈置lso claimed to expand 5 times the size of National Development Fund from 200 billions now to 1 trillions from the Post Company’s savings. Do it one thing or two? 當一個人說他自己「始終如一」的?室內裝潢伬唌A先別急著好惡,最好先仔細聽一下。 關鍵詞是:「中小型民營銀行」。獨立的新銀行?信用合作社?農會?漁會? 看起來,一定會通過立委審查的。 在扁政府時期,也有轉存「陽信」的情事,只是「個案」變「通案」 室內設計。 郵局主動「轉存」與擴充5倍的「國發基金」是怎樣的關係?是一件事,或兩件事? FSC wants post savings put in private banks 郵儲金四兆 擬轉存中小型民營銀行 ■自由(2008.12.05) 〔記者梁世煌、李文儀/台北報導〕金管會提出計 術後面膜畫將郵政儲金四兆元轉存中小型民營銀行,陳沖以中華郵政內部原本就有相關的評分機制,金管會會在現行存款全額保障的情況下,研究此事的可行性,以便讓中小型銀行的流動性更佳,進而強化其企業放款的規模。 中華郵政︰會考量存戶權益 中華郵政公司總經理胡雪雲昨天表示, 小額信貸昨天上午才接到公文,不了解金管會詳細規劃,但將依既有轉存評估機制考量,絕對會考量存戶權益。 不過馬政府接連提出國發基金向郵儲借錢、郵儲轉存民間銀行等措施,已引發許多郵局存戶恐慌。 賴 小姐指出,她不相信民間銀行,才把錢存到郵局,現在政府卻要郵局到處借錢給別人,她很擔心畢生積蓄不保,考 室內裝潢慮要把存款提出。 對於是否可能造成擠兌危機,胡雪雲強調,從十月底結存還增加一千零五十四億元來看,存戶應該還未受到影響,中華郵政一定會以保護存戶為原則來研究轉存作法。 截至十月底為止,中華郵政擁有高達四兆四千億元儲匯資金,其中約二兆五千億元轉存各公民營銀行,包括三家公營、三十七家民營銀行,其中以中央 租房子銀行占一兆五千億元最多。 不過中華郵政去年轉存陽信商銀一百億元,中華郵政也強調符合轉存標準,但卻受外界質疑「金援」陽信,還遭監察院調查。 http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/2008/new/dec/5/today-e3.htm .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 澎湖民宿  .

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